
Fabricant de solutions uniques pour tous types de produits d'estampage et de produits de tournage CNC.

Flat washer manufacturer, do you know 8 knowledge about flat washer [hardware]

Flat gasket manufacturer, Xiaoshuo 15 years of experience, share with you about flat gaskets in the actual selection and installation process, any type of gasket in the harsh environment, to ensure a long-term sealing effect , You must have the following eight important characteristics to understand together: 1. The air tightness of the flat gasket For the medium of the sealing system, the gasket will not leak within a certain period of time at the recommended temperature and pressure. 2. The compressibility of the flat gasket The contact surface of the gasket and the flange should be well matched after the connecting bolts are tightened to ensure sealing. 3. Creep resistance of flat gaskets. The gasket should have good creep resistance under the influence of pressure load and operating temperature. Otherwise, the bolt torque loss will be caused, resulting in the reduction of the surface stress of the gasket and the leakage of the hard gas system. . 4. Chemical corrosion resistance of flat gaskets The gaskets selected should not be corroded by chemical media, and they should not contaminate the media. 5. The resilience of flat gaskets Even when the system is stable, the two flanges connected will definitely have a slight displacement due to the influence of temperature and pressure. The elastic function of the gasket should be able to compensate for this displacement to ensure the sealing of the system. Sex. 6. Anti-adhesion of the flat gasket. The gasket should be easily removed from the flange after use without bonding. 7. The non-corrosiveness of the flat gasket. The gasket should be non-corrosive to the flange surface to be connected. 8. The temperature resistance of flat gaskets The gaskets selected should be guaranteed to be used normally under the low temperature and high temperature of the system. Hardware, 15 years of ingenuity and focus on flat washer manufacturers, 20,000+ sets of stamping die customized production experience, monthly 100+ sets of mold processing capacity, 3 million punching times per day, stamping accuracy up to 0.01mm, 16 quality inspection layers are strictly controlled . It can quickly solve the problem of flat washer stamping accuracy, solve the urgent problem of time, and solve the problem of production quality. Choose, choose rest assured!

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pas de données
Dongguan Fortuna a été créée en 2003. Elle a une superficie d'usine de 16 000 mètres carrés et 260 employés. Il s'agit d'une entreprise de production spécialisée dans les pièces d'emboutissage de métaux de précision, le traitement CNC de précision, le moulage par injection et l'assemblage de produits.
Bureau japonais
2-47-10-203Nishifunahashi, ville de Hirakata, Osaka
Une robe
Non. 226, route Shida, ville de Dalingshan, Dongguan 523810, Guangdong, Chine
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