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Daojiao metal stamping parts processing, what are the types of stamping and drawing processes + stamping accuracy up to 0.01mm

The technical staff responsible for the processing of Daojiao metal stamping parts said that as one of the main stamping processes, metal stamping and drawing forming has a wide range of applications. Various thin-walled parts with cylindrical, rectangular, stepped, spherical, conical, parabolic and other irregular shapes can be made by the stretching process. So today, the small master of hardware will share with you: What are the types of metal stamping and drawing forming processes?    When using stamping equipment for metal stamping and drawing processing, the following 16 types are included:   1, cylindrical drawing processing: Stretching of cylindrical products with flanges (flanges). The flange and the bottom are both flat, the side wall of the cylinder is axisymmetric, and the deformation is evenly distributed on the same circumference, and the blank on the flange produces deep drawing deformation.  2, elliptical drawing processing: the deformation of the blank on the flange is a drawing deformation, but the amount of deformation and the deformation ratio change accordingly along the contour shape. The larger the curvature, the greater the plastic deformation of the blank; conversely, the smaller the curvature, the smaller the plastic deformation of the blank.  3. Rectangular drawing process a low rectangular piece that is stretched and formed at one time. When stretching, the tensile resistance at the rounded corners of the flange deformation zone is greater than the tensile resistance at the straight edges, and the degree of deformation at the rounded corners is greater than that at the straight edges.  4. Mountain-shaped drawing processing: When the side wall of the stamping part is inclined, the side wall is suspended during the stamping process and is not attached to the mold. The mold is not attached until the end of the forming. The deformation characteristics of different parts of the side wall are not completely the same during forming.  5, dome-shaped stretching processing: the deformation of the blank of the dome-shaped cover plate during the forming process is not a simple stretching deformation, but a composite forming in which stretching and bulging deformation exist at the same time.  6. u200bu200bFlanged hemispherical drawing processing: When the spherical part is drawn, the blank partly contacts the spherical top of the punch, and most of the rest are in a suspended and unconstrained free state. Therefore, the main process problem of this kind of spherical part stretching is the serious thinning of the local contact part, or the instability and wrinkling of the curved part.  7. Flange stretch processing: The flange part of the stretched product is subjected to shallow stretch processing. The stress and strain situation is similar to compression flanging. Due to the tangential compressive stress, it is easy to wrinkle, so the forming limit is mainly limited by the compression wrinkle.   8. Edge stretch processing: perform angular re-stretch processing on the flange part of the previously stretched product. This processing requires the material to have good plasticity.  9. Deep drawing processing: The drawing processing products that exceed the drawing processing limit need to go through more than two times of drawing to complete. The products that have been stretched in the depth direction of the front station are re-stretched in the depth direction. 10. Tapered drawing processing: For deep tapered parts with h/d>0.8 and α u003d10°~30°, due to the large depth, the deformation of the blank is relatively large, which is only transferred by the local area of u200bu200bthe blank contacting the punch The forming force is easy to cause the blank to be locally excessively thinned or even broken, and it needs to be gradually formed through multiple transitions.  11. Rectangular re-drawing processing: The deformation of the high rectangular part formed by multiple stretching is not only different from the stretching of the deep cylindrical part, but also very different from the deformation of the low box-shaped part. Figure 1-46 shows how the shape and size of the part changes with the height of the stretch during multiple stretches when the multi-station automatic conveying press is used to process high rectangular box parts.  12. Curved surface forming processing: curved surface drawing and forming, the outer flange part of the metal plate blank is reduced, and the inner flange part is elongated, forming a hollow product with a non-straight wall and non-flat bottom curved surface shape.   13. Step stretch processing: Re-stretch the left-side initial stretched product to form a stepped bottom on the right side. The deeper part is deformed in the early stage of stretching, and the shallower part is deformed in the later stage of stretching. It is easy to induce shear stress and deformation on the sidewall of the step change part.   14. Reverse stretching processing: Reverse stretching is a kind of re-stretching of the workpiece that has been stretched in the previous process. The reverse stretching method can increase the radial tensile stress and can achieve better results in preventing wrinkles. It is also possible to increase the stretch coefficient of re-stretching.   15. Thinning and stretching processing: Different from ordinary stretching, thinning and stretching is mainly to change the thickness of the tube wall of the stretched part during the stretching process. The gap between the convex and concave dies is smaller than the thickness of the blank. When the straight wall part of the blank passes through the gap, it is under a large uniform compressive stress. While the wall thickness becomes thinner during the stretching process, the wall thickness deviation of the container is eliminated and the surface of the container is increased. Smoothness improves accuracy and strength.  16. Panel drawing processing: Panel products are sheet metal stamping parts with complex surface shapes. In the drawing process, the deformation of the blank is complicated, and its forming properties are no longer simple drawing forming, but a composite forming in which deep drawing and bulging exist at the same time. Hardware, 15 years of focus on Daojiao metal stamping parts processing, 5000 square meters production workshop, hundreds of precision processing production equipment, more than 20 Ru0026D and design engineers, monthly mold processing capacity of 100+ sets and daily production capacity of 3 million punching times, stamping accuracy Up to 0.01mm, 16 quality inspection layers are strictly checked. It can quickly solve the urgent problem of time when choosing hardware stamping processing, solve the problem of stamping accuracy, and solve the problem of production quality. For 15 years, I have been conscientious and dedicated to the results of your needs for the results of work!

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pas de données
Dongguan Fortuna a été créée en 2003. Elle a une superficie d'usine de 16 000 mètres carrés et 260 employés. Il s'agit d'une entreprise de production spécialisée dans les pièces d'emboutissage de métaux de précision, le traitement CNC de précision, le moulage par injection et l'assemblage de produits.
Bureau japonais
2-47-10-203Nishifunahashi, ville de Hirakata, Osaka
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Non. 226, route Shida, ville de Dalingshan, Dongguan 523810, Guangdong, Chine
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